Jean Lachat Photography

8-8 m-f
8-12 sa
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I come to where you are, and in a host of lovely local locations in and around Lincoln-Way and the Chicagoland area.
About Us
I am a Pulitzer Prize-nominated photographer.
I spent 25 years as a photojournalist in Chicago covering everything from Mayor Daley to Michael Jordan to President Obama. I've met a ton of interesting people, and making great photographs of them while learning something I didn't know five minutes before I met them is probably the most awesome thing about those years.
Mayor Daley was gruff, but he loved this city perhaps more than anyone I have ever met. Ask me about the time I sat in an interview with him and the Sun-Times City Hall reporter Fran Spielman. Michael Jordan was the best there ever was. The best there ever will be. I catch old Bulls games on TV once in a while, and I can't believe I actually got to be a part of those seasons. And... I once met Walter Payton at a Bulls game when he sat behind me court side as I was shooting a game. That's a good story as well. President Obama? Well, I have photographed him several times over the years: all the way back in his apartment in Hyde Park when he was running for State Senator, with Michelle and their then-little girls, as well as when I got to greet him with my camera at UChicago - his first public appearance after his Presidency came to a close. He is a wonderful, authentic human being.
Photography can be a lot of things to a lot of people, but to me, these stories are my history. My photography is who I am, and I want to meet you and love you and tell your story, too.
Please contact me today to get started: 708.263.7269.
Life is short. Let’s tell your story today.

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